The address to this location will be emailed out at least an hour before the allotted pick-up time. If you do not receive the email, you, as the buyer, are responsible for calling our office for the address. Double check your spam folder.
Many of our OFFSITE Auction Locations are transferring to new owners the next day so pick-up times are STRONGLY ENFORCED! Any items not removed in the time frame may incur a fee. Any items that have not been picked within pick-up hours will be considered abandoned, you will forfeit the items and will NOT receive a refund.
You will be responsible for removing large items from the location **BRING HELP WITH YOU. Our staff will assist with smaller items. You are responsible for loading items into your vehicle. Estate Details is not responsible for loading items for safe travel.
If you would like to bid on an item and CANNOT PICK UP during this time. Please contact our office BEFORE YOU BID. We will see if we can assist you in options.